Embracing the Future: AIGC and the Dawn of Web4 with Eternal Gardens


In 2024, the technological landscape is experiencing a transformative shift marked by the integration of artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) and the emergence of Web4. Moving beyond the advancements of Web3, which revolutionized digital ownership, Web4 introduces a new era where users can not only interact with but also influence and train AI models, thereby shaping their digital experiences in unprecedented ways. This article explores the development and application of AIGC, its profound impact on various industries, and how Eternal Gardens—a visionary project by The Confluence—is spearheading the Web4 revolution, setting new standards for digital interaction and legacy.

The Development and Application of AIGC

If 2023 is considered the "Year of Large Models," then 2024 is undoubtedly the "Year of AIGC Applications." We have transitioned from Professionally Generated Content (PGC) and User-Generated Content (UGC) to AI-Generated Content (AIGC). This marks the fourth wave of artificial intelligence industry development, where the sustainable growth of AIGC is seeking commercial application. The continuous deepening and improvement of technical reserves, along with advancements in the capabilities of large models, provide a solid technical foundation for the explosion of AIGC applications.

Currently, AIGC's generative capabilities are merging with digital transformation processes, creating pathways in areas like "consulting," "data processing," "emotional value," and "creative materials." In the digital content industry, AIGC technology enables machines to automate much of the content production process, significantly reducing human workload. This technology can play a significant role from script planning and creative IP to post-production, video editing, and promotion. As AIGC technology progresses, machines are increasingly moving towards "automation," achieving the transition from nothing to something.

In specialized industries such as finance, AIGC can shorten audit times, provide financial record analysis, and efficiently draft documents. It can automate manual processes for banks and fintech companies, enhancing risk and compliance operations. For example, Stripe uses GPT-4 technology to simplify user experiences and combat fraud, quickly scanning and summarizing business website content with greater accuracy than humans. Each industry leverages AIGC to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Companies are now primarily measuring return on investment (ROI) through the increased productivity generated by artificial intelligence. According to McKinsey, there is significant anticipation regarding the ROI from AIGC. We are at a pivotal point in the widespread application of AI within enterprises, with a strong desire to implement AI and significantly increased budgets, indicating a broader and deeper global adoption of AI technology. This shift will positively impact both corporate development and the continuous advancement of AI technology. However, the application of AIGC also needs to overcome challenges such as technical uncertainty, privacy security, data availability, and data accuracy.

Positioning in the AI Industry

We should stay grounded while looking ahead to future AI waves, focusing on new technologies and trends that may emerge. While many now recognize this, when the concept of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) was proposed last year, it was met with skepticism. By the end of the year, many intelligent systems are expected to reach the level of undergraduate or even graduate students. However, we need to look further ahead. The United States has shifted its focus from AGI to ASI (Artificial Superintelligence). What will the next generation of superintelligence look like? This question makes it difficult to provide a definitive commercial outlook based on current technology. We should anticipate the arrival of the ASI era, where model-based capability combinations may create new industry opportunities and spaces in areas such as multimodal intelligence, and text and video generation. This is relevant for both consumer (To C) and enterprise (To B) markets.

Additionally, regarding self-positioning in the AI industry, every company needs to clarify its position and role. As many experts have discussed, there are already numerous companies focused on foundational models, and the iteration cycle for these models is long, with each iteration involving significant sunk costs and human resource consumption. Consequently, we see that only companies truly capable of multidimensional foundational model iteration are rapidly converging. Companies need to determine whether they aim to be a foundational technology company or an industry application company. Industry application companies must address various challenges, such as deep scenario insight, product trial-and-error refinement, and user communication capabilities. These are significant challenges that industry companies need to face.

AI Investments Face Scrutiny

AI has been a significant driver of the US stock market's rise, but there are also voices of skepticism in the market. The major concern is that, despite the substantial investments, the profitability of AI remains uncertain. There is a big question mark over how much of these investments will ultimately be profitable. Due to the current doubts about the profitability of AI companies, these firms will face a real test moving forward. They must prove their value, especially in the AI sector, and demonstrate that their investments can yield returns.

From Web3 to Web4: Expanding the Horizons

Web3 marked a significant milestone in the evolution of the internet, empowering users to read, write, and own their digital content. However, the potential for greater interaction and personalization led to the creation of Web4, where users can now interact with, influence, and train AI models to enhance their experiences.

The Role of Generative AI and Machine Learning in Web4

Generative AI and machine learning are at the heart of Web4. These technologies allow us to create dynamic and adaptive virtual environments that respond to user input. This means that every interaction in Eternal Gardens is unique and tailored to the individual providing a level of personalization that was previously unattainable.

Eternal Gardens

The Confluence Universe has consistently been at the forefront of Web3 infrastructure, with extensive experience in developing dynamic collections and evolving gaming ecosystems. This foundation has set the stage for the next significant leap—Web4. Developed by the visionary team behind The Confluence, Eternal Gardens represents the next evolutionary step in digital interaction, offering a fully decentralized, AI-driven digital paradise where users can upload their digital essence and shape immersive, inclusive environments. Eternal Gardens aims to revolutionize the concept of digital legacy, allowing users to engage in enriching activities and interact with AI personas, ensuring their legacy thrives eternally.

Eternal Gardens brings together cutting-edge technologies—blockchain, NFTs, virtual reality, and AI—to create a seamless and immersive experience. This unique combination sets Eternal Gardens apart, making it more than just another project in the Web3 and virtual reality space; it is the advent of Web4.

The Future of Digital Interaction

Eternal Gardens is a testament to innovation, determination, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. It represents a significant leap forward from the Read-Write-Own paradigm of Web3, adding the dimension of Train to the equation. This transformative addition allows users to engage with and shape their virtual experiences in ways previously unimaginable.

Our vision is to create an environment where users can harness the latest technological innovations. By combining the immersive gameplay and virtual reality experiences that have made The Confluence Universe a leader in Web3 with the powerful capabilities of AI, Eternal Gardens offers a new level of user interaction and personalization, making every experience unique and tailored to individual preferences.

As we navigate the rapidly changing landscape of digital technologies, the potential for innovation is limitless. The convergence of AIGC, Web4, and the foundational work of The Confluence Universe is creating unparalleled opportunities for user engagement and digital legacy creation.

In the following Q&A, we provide insights into our vision for the future, the competitive advantages that set us apart, and our strategies for sustained growth in this dynamic environment.


1.What is your perspective on the future trends of the metaverse?

The metaverse must evolve to deliver practical utility and tangible value, particularly in the business domain. At The Confluence, we believe that gaming, virtual reality, and education will be the most promising areas for real-world applications and user engagement, offering substantial opportunities for growth and innovation.

2. How can a company like The Confluence compete with industry giants such as Meta? What are our key competitive advantages, and what strategies might we employ moving forward?

Although The Confluence operates on a smaller scale compared to Meta, we leverage our compact and agile team to swiftly adapt and innovate. Our loyal user base and our expertise in combining AI, VR, and blockchain technologies enable us to create compelling and unique experiences. Unlike Meta, we benefit from being privately held, granting us the flexibility to operate without the constraints of external shareholders. Our Web3 infrastructure is robust, ensuring seamless synchronization of user data across VR, PC, and mobile platforms, alongside effective NFT integration. While we may not match Meta’s influence or financial resources, our ability to innovate and adapt allows us to carve out a distinct and competitive niche in the market.

3. Looking ahead, will our revenue growth be primarily driven by an increase in sales volume or by raising the unit price of our products?

Our revenue growth strategy is centered on expanding our ecosystem with a broader range of products, games, and interactive experiences, as well as enhancing trade across our NFT collections. We initiate our NFTs at accessible price points, providing substantial utility, and allowing their value to appreciate organically over time. This approach differs from typical NFT projects that inflate prices initially, only to see them decrease later. Our strategy of steady, organic growth is designed to ensure sustainable and long-term revenue.